Valentine’s Day is long gone and February is coming to a close, but that doesn’t mean the romance has to end. It’s my birthday tomorrow and I’ve been a bit more reflective and taking care. February has been extra exhausting this year, so I’m sure we could all use a little extra lovin’. So, let’s talk about love, but not just any love, self-love…
Love is more than a feeling, it’s a state of being. Sure it’s kind and patient but do you know what else love is? It’s accountable and responsible. How so? Through self-love. There’s no greater domino effect than the love and kindness we show to ourselves. When we show up, empower, and treat ourselves the way we wish others to treat us - there’s no telling what we’re capable of.
Self-love and care have become a revolution in the last couple of years with Sunday being deemed the official day to indulge in all things “treat yo’self”. While it’s great to take care of our physical needs with bath soaks and face masks, the idea of doing so only once a week and neglecting our other “bodies” just isn’t enough. I’m a big believer in having more than a physical body. Tending to our mental, emotional and spiritual needs daily is a game-changer. How else are we supposed to take care of each other if we’re not taking care of ourselves?
This philosophy came to me thanks to Frida Kahlo. I was in school researching for a presentation on Kahlo’s life and work. I came across a book called, “Loving Him Without Losing You” by Beverly Engel that spoke about Frida’s relationship and marriage to Diego Rivera. While history sometimes likes to paint the pair as “relationship goals”, the author calls out their toxicity. I bought the book for the excerpt on Frida but got more out of it than I expected. Outdated relationship advice aside, Engel discusses the philosophy of people being like a house with four rooms - physical, mental, emotional, spiritual - that need tending to daily.
If there’s anything this past year has taught us, it’s that we have very little control over anything (or anyone) outside of ourselves BUT we do have the power to accept or decline what (and who) we engage with. We can also confront ourselves and decide what we need to better harmonize with our desires and the world we wish to live in. This practice has kept me pretty balanced for a while now. So how does accountability + responsibility = self-love??? Check back next entry for Part II where I dive more into my journey and share tips for tending to your “four rooms”.
‘Til then, let’s toast to my birthday! Since I can’t share my cake with you all, enjoy FREE SHIPPING on everything for the next 24 hours! Use Code: SELFLOVE - Limit to one use per customer - Sale starts at Midnight, Cheers!