
JOURNAL ENTRY #15 ART STORIES: "Rose Petal, Moth Wings"

JOURNAL ENTRY #15 ART STORIES: "Rose Petal, Mot...

  Fun Fact: I was born under a full moon during a huge blizzard. I’m a Winter baby and I thrive in the colder months. I come alive in Spring...

JOURNAL ENTRY #15 ART STORIES: "Rose Petal, Mot...

  Fun Fact: I was born under a full moon during a huge blizzard. I’m a Winter baby and I thrive in the colder months. I come alive in Spring...

JOURNAL ENTRY #13 ART STORIES: La Primavera Collection

JOURNAL ENTRY #13 ART STORIES: La Primavera Col...

Spring blooms from Winter’s bones and life has finally stirred awake... The sun’s shining, the birds are singing, and the first blossoms are pushing through the decay left behind from...

JOURNAL ENTRY #13 ART STORIES: La Primavera Col...

Spring blooms from Winter’s bones and life has finally stirred awake... The sun’s shining, the birds are singing, and the first blossoms are pushing through the decay left behind from...

JOURNAL ENTRY #8: ART STORIES - The Floral Drawings

JOURNAL ENTRY #8: ART STORIES - The Floral Draw...

Happy February all!  The groundhog has allegedly predicted the early arrival of Spring, and despite it feeling like Groundhog’s Day every day since last February, I couldn’t be happier! We’re...

JOURNAL ENTRY #8: ART STORIES - The Floral Draw...

Happy February all!  The groundhog has allegedly predicted the early arrival of Spring, and despite it feeling like Groundhog’s Day every day since last February, I couldn’t be happier! We’re...